Not much of anything went on today. Ashlyn woke up around 10:30 and we did our normal morning routine. Diaper change & change of clothes (she stayed in her jammies today though), downstairs to play w/some toys while mama lets the dog out then it's coffee time for mama! I LIVE for my morning cup of coffee.
Ashlyn started crawling on Wednesday so she was all over the living room while I enjoyed my coffee. At one point she was playing with this one toy when she tipped over and hit her face on it. I try to not react negatively when she gets a boo boo. I just grab her and console her if needed....and in this case it was. She cried for a like 2 minutes and was laughing. She has a tiny bruise on her cheek though. BOO. She was being a clingy little brat today so I got absolutely nothing done today around the house but I'm not complaining. I'm lucky I was able to get a shower in!
One part of my day that brought some excitement was a code hunt I did on
Swag Bucks. They hid 4 codes in some videos that you have to find and get points aka bucks for. I had to watch a bunch of STUPID videos but I got my bucks and then some. It was a good swag day for me lol. I seriously love this site but I'll talk about it another day.
On to the rest of my boring day. I basically only consisted of trying to keep Ashlyn entertain long enough so she didn't cry or fuss. I need to get her some new toys to keep her occupied. I
really want to get her a jumparoo but I don't know if I should at this point considering she's 6.5 months now. But she hates the exersaucer and isn't much of a fan of the doorway jumper anymore. I need something though.
I basically just put Ashlyn to sleep...she fought hard but I always win eventually. She wouldn't eat her solids but I don't blame her. They smell and look disgusting lol. I for the most part give her homemade baby food but tonight I gave her a mix of homemade & Gerber baby food. She LOVES her sweet potato so I mix it with stuff she won't eat alone (green beans and peas right now). She loves squash but it doesn't agree with her so I have a huge stash of it in the freezer. I tried giving her some the other day (after a few weeks of her not having it) and it binded her right up so no more for now. I really need to make her more food. I'll do that tomorrow after I go grocery shopping.
Fancy is here bothering me to go out so I'm going to go do that and go relax in bed. I'm sure I won't fall asleep since my sleep schedule is beyond messed up. Hope everyone has a good night.